Saturday, August 6, 2011

Tired of Waiting, The Congressional Black Caucus Announces a New Jobs Initiative


Courtesy of the White House Office of Communications

by Ayvaunn Penn, Your Black World

Men and women across the country have been frustrated for years about the lack of jobs and the dire state of the economy. Now, the Congressional Black Caucus is taking active steps in an effort to increase the number of employed citizens. August 8th, Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) along with host Member Congresswoman Marcia Fudge will be kicking off the CBC’s “For the People” Jobs Initiative. This event is starting off in Cleveland, Ohio, and it will be comprised of a job fair and town hall meeting at Cleveland State University. According to a press release provided to Your Black World by Stephanie L. Young of the White House Office of Communications:

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Study: Minorities Still Locked Out of Most Institutions

   Taking command: President Obama talks with members of the national security team in the White House situtation room following the conclusion of the mission

by Dr. Boyce Watkins,, Scholarship in Action 

I took a look at an ABC News picture of President Barack Obama sitting in a Situation Room with lead advisers watching the assassination of Obama bin Laden.  Everyone had a tense look on their face, as 10 years of hard work suddenly came down to the wire.  I couldn’t help but notice, as I scanned all the faces across the room, that there were only two women present (Hillary Clinton and another woman in the back), and one bi-racial black man (President Obama).  Every other person in the room was a white male. 

What startles me the most is that millions of other Americans can look at this picture and see absolutely nothing wrong with it.  The “white guy’s club” has always been the status quo in leadership positions.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Five Things College Students Do to Ruin their Lives

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse University, 

As a college professor for the past 16 years, I’ve noticed two things about college: It can be a place to make your dreams come true, and it can also be a breeding ground for your worst nightmares. So, I thought I would compile a list of things that I’ve seen college students do to ruin their lives over the years. Hopefully, you and your child can learn from what I am about to share.

1) Sex, drugs, alcohol and gambling
College is a great place to pick up a lot of really bad habits. The worst part is that people tell you that these things are ok. It’s not that all of these are bad things to do, but at the very least, they should be done in moderation. It doesn’t matter if you are in college: If you have sex with too many people, you are going to catch a disease or get pregnant. If you use drugs, you are going to become a drug addict. If you drink too much, you will become an alcoholic. Gambling can also ruin your life as much as drugs or alcohol. I have several dozen friends with really messed up lives to this day, all of whom started their downward spiral on a college campus. You should not think that because you are in college, you are immune to these problems. If something doesn’t feel right, then you shouldn’t do it. Be mature enough to make smart decisions.

2) Falling for the credit card scams and ruining your credit
There are no serious credit card scams in college, only the little people who stand out in front of the bookstore trying to get you to take their "free money". Credit cards are very tempting when you are in school, especially since you are broke. If you decide to take one, make sure that you are very careful with how much you buy with the card, and that you have a careful plan to pay it all back. Putting yourself in over your head can easily destroy your credit. That is not a good cycle to get into. Not taking care of your student loan obligations can ruin your credit as well. You should manage your debt as best you can, because if you don’t, it can take decades to fix the problems that are created.

Click to read.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dr. Boyce Spotlight: The Rapper Common Is an Uncommon Talent

For more information about Common, please visit

With his Multi-Grammy Award winning music career and his continued work in film, Common has emerged as one of Hollywood's most sought after leading men. He has been seen on the silver screen in films such as SMOKIN ACES, AMERICAN GANGSTER, WANTED, TERMINATOR SALVATION and was most recently in DATE NIGHT and JUST WRIGHT.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Creflo Dollar Allegedly Says that Non-Tithers Should Be Shot

by Dr. Boyce Watkins 

I wasn’t sure what to think when I heard this audio, in which Creflo Dollar appears to be arguing that if you don’t tithe, you should be put in front of a firing squad.  I did some research and found media outlets reporting the video, and I can only hope that he doesn’t truly believe this.

Click to read.